Self written bio as of November 2012
Well, to be honest with you, all you need to know is that I love music. I love music in a way that isn’t entirely healthy. I love music in a time-consuming, bank balance-bashing, relationship-testing kind of way. Thankfully, I know I’m not alone in this.
In the daytime I’m a broadcaster, DJ and music consultant. I work with BBC 6Music, AllSaints Basement Sessions, Monocle 24, Serato, Air New Zealand, Red Bull, Nokia, Elite Model Agency, Augmented Ibiza… Quite a few odds, bods and (very rarely) sods.
In the past I’ve co-owned a record label, which was a fun alternative to incinerating a gym bag full of fifty pound notes, and produced records on both major and independent labels, which was also a fun, deliriously slow form of financial suicide.
The one thing that has stayed with me through all of this is a passion for radio and an undying need to share the music I love with as many people as possible. The discovery of unheard music both new and old is the most wondrously soulful journey, and one that I love handing on through my interviews, mixes and radio shows.
Christopher Tubbs
London, November ’12
Tubbs produces an awesome music and culture blog: http://www.headsdown.org